Hang on tight…..

This season won’t last forever mama.

One day parts of this journey will get easier and you’ll look back and wonder how you did it, question how you made it through.

I don’t mean special needs parenting will get easier, but eventually you find a groove, or maybe you find help along the way.

You won’t always be this sleep deprived, exhausted, worn down.

One day there won’t be so many therapies, activities, projects happening that prevent you from getting your workout, or a nap in.

Some day you’ll have time to meet a friend for lunch again. You’ll have time to get dressed and put lipstick on before you go.

Eventually there won’t be staff shortages that seem to continually throw you and your child’s routine completely for a loop.

One day you won’t have to work through hours of manic laughter, aggression, or meltdowns with no moment for yourself.

I know because we’ve been there, and then we came back, and I know there will be another side again.

This journey of parenting a child with autism is unpredictable, it’s exhausting, it often feels like an emotional roller coaster ride with no end…. Just loops.

There are moments where you find peace. You get a rare moment to breathe. And things don’t feel quite so hard for a while.

And then one day the roller coaster starts again and you’re back in the trenches.

But because we’ve been on all sides along the way, I can tell you that wherever you are right now…. That’s just a season.

Our kids are always changing, growing, and so are we.

Hang on tight mama, and remind yourself, this is only for right now. This isn’t the way it will be forever.

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